Friday, April 2, 2010

Wrestling with God

(Journal entry from 3/19/10)

I wanted to leave and have no contact with family or friends.

He wanted me to let them know I was alright.

I wanted to give all my clothes away.

He wanted to clothe me with his love.

I wanted to lay down outside and awake outside.

He wanted me to lie down and awake in the fellowship of brothers in Christ.

I wanted to eat out of the garbage.

He wanted me to eat with people who used to be dirtier than garbage but have been cleansed with your love.

I wanted not to shower.

He wanted me to feel clean physically and spiritually.

I wanted to go to Haiti.

He wanted me to send food, clothes, and medicine to Haiti.

I wanted to be dependent on God.

He is only waiting for me to let go.

I wanted to be homeless.

He wanted me to have a home with 40 brothers in Christ. The Home of the Nazarene


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've been having dreams about you.
    "If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him."
    C. T. Studd
    This post was eerily similar to all that God has put on my heart to pray for you about.
    He is good.
